Prices & service

Opening times, prices and a great deal of additional information about Erlebnisberg Golm in the Montafon

We have summarised some important information about Erlebnisberg Golm in the Montafon for you here.

Here you can find our contact information well as details regarding getting there, opening times and prices.

We are happy to provide further assistance

Logo Golm im Montafon | © Golm Silvretta Luenersee Tourismus GmbH Bregenz

Erlebnisberg Golm

Seilbahnstraße 1, 6773 Vandans


Aktuelle Wetterbedingungen am Bewegungsberg Golm im Montafon

1°C 0cm

Webcams Bewegungsberg Golm Montafon

Current situation


2.103 m, Vandans

Open facilities Golm


8 from 9 open Lifts
8 from 17 open Pistes
0 from 2 open Toboggan runs
0 from 0 open Cross-country ski trails
2 from 2 open Winter hiking trails
0 from 2 open Other

Buy your ticket

Your Montafon Brandnertal Card


We are happy to provide further assistance

You can reach us via telephone or Email from:

Monday to Friday 08:00 a.m. - 05:00 p.m.

T. +43 5556 701 83167